I often get the feeling that in our instant gratification era, we truly believe everyone and everything is replaceable in a sense. But some people really aren’t. Some things can’t be recreated. Some people provide a type of impact and influence that can be copied but not truly replaced. Wendy Williams is one of those people.

Wendy Williams/FOX
If you’re only up to date with her current gig as a daytime talk show host, please recognize that this role is only a fraction of her resume that ranges from radio DJ to author to reality tv star to producer to “shock jockette”. Since 1986 Wendy Williams has been forging her own path. A Northeastern University grad, Williams crafted a style and image that is all her own. Always over the top with guests whether on radio or television, she’s also been transparent about her own battles. From discussing her past battles with addiction, making fun of her own wigs, describing surgeries, or even more recently joking about ex and divorce; you can’t blindside someone who’s aware of their own truth. I feel like that’s a lesson within itself.
you can’t blindside someone who’s aware of their own truth.
Admittedly I have never been a fan of her talk show but I am a fan of journalism. I am a fan of women doing things their way regardless of what someone else has done or what people say you can’t do. And that’s why I have a certain amount of respect for Wendy Williams. Now what I don’t respect is picking on people. Especially good people who aren’t bothering you like Mrs. Tabitha Brown. (I don’t know why I always say Mrs. but it feels like I should. Her voice feels like home.) But that’s another blog post for a different day.
Although controversial she truly changed the landscape of breaking into a world of people we truly don’t know but feel we are owed some sort of access to. From her legendary radio interviews that could’ve turned into full-blown fistfights with the likes of the one and only Whitney Houston to her legendary beef with singers, rappers, models, and actresses from almost every era, Wendy is a force to be reckoned with. Her clips and soundbites from almost two decades ago are still referenced in popular media spaces because she is that good at what she does.
Hate her or love her, Wendy Williams is one of the primary reasons that we consume celebrity news and gossip as we know it. Without Wendy 's influence we could say that there would be no Shaderoom, Bossip, or Hollywood Unlocked. It's also easy to assume that there would be no Tasha K or DJ Akademiks serving their views on YouTube if there wasn't a Wendy Williams show. We’d still be locked in on our social media channels but we wouldn’t get that insight that even celebrities themselves rely on for media coverage.
No matter how you feel about her personally, her professional work is unmatched. Hell, her work ethic is unmatched. She made herself a boss, created a lane for herself that many others have followed both successfully and unsuccessfully, and for that, I do not see her being replaced. Now someone may come along and change the game up again because that happens with the times..but they won’t ever be Wendy Williams.
Do you think Wendy Williams is replaceable?
Let me know what you think in the comments and be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.
Re-Kenya Roberson is an author, creative consultant, mom, and a bunch of other things that you won't actually remember later. Follow her on instagram @iamrekenya